Sunday, January 17, 2010

Whoever knew these were real?

Nantucket. I thought it was a made up place. Turns out, it's not. It is a small island within a group of small islands off the coast of Massachusetts. This is where rich people take springtime vacations, well there and Martha's Vineyard (located on another small island just west of Nantucket) Who knew??

Timbuktu. You know when you were younger and you would box up your younger sibling and tell them you were going to ship them off to Timbuktu??? I thought that was a made up place as well... turns out. I'm wrong. Timbuktu is actually a city in the country of Mali in Africa. Glad I never sealed the package... my poor baby brother!!!

Flamingoes. OK, OK. I know... that may be just me. But, I seriously always thought these were made-up creatures some ninny with a full yard of flamingoes, gnomes, etc., created just to have something else in her yard. I honestly never remember seeing them at a zoo. And, my papa used to take me to the zoo all the time. Until recently I thought these were fake, made-up. Sorry, but you just don't see toothpick-legged, pink, non-flying birds around Amber, Okla.

I may be a little blond-headed after all!!! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nantucket is very real, and we're not all rich out here!
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