Friday, April 16, 2010

hormones; TMI??

I had a complete breakdown today. My poor nana and papa are the ones that got to put up with me during it (they were the only ones that would answer their phones!!)

I have had a bad case of morning sickness today. I haven't been able to keep anything down. At. All. My doctor prescribed some medicine that is supposed to help cure the nausea... it doesn't work if you throw it up before it has a chance to work!!! :)

Well, I don't know if you do this, but when I throw up I cry. Tears just start streaming down my face. This last bout the tears just would not stop coming. It was a good five to ten minutes before I even called the grandparents and even when they answered I cried about another five minutes!!

But they talked me down and settled my nerves. I knew pregnancy hormones go outta whack, but I will be glad to be back to my old self!! (And, really glad to stop throwing up all the time!!)


Cindy said...

I'm sorry you are so sick. I can only imagine. Just remember, this will pass! Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

Mandy said...

AAWW!! My poor Toshie! I wish you weren't so sick but keep your eye on the prize! You won't even remember this in 8 months when you are holding a beautiful new baby (boy) in your arms! Keep your head up girly!! :)