Monday, March 24, 2008

Haunted by my past

This weekend was a haunting one--- ironic? It was supposed to be filled with joy and laughter, 
cause it was Easter. But, I wasn't laughing. 

I had asked my mother to bring me pictures from my high school days. I noticed I had none as I have been unpacking things in our new house. She brought me quite a few. Now, let me remind you that high school for me  was a mere four years ago. Man.... I was skinny. How I wish I could look like that again. How dreadful that I have gain so much. 

Most bloggers post happy before and after shots. The ones of before, where they were fat... and the ones of after, where they lost the weight. I will post a before and after of the opposite. 

Now, I know this "before" is of my senior cruise and prom... but look how skinny and nice looking I was. 

And this is me in December before graduation from college. Yep, that's my Honey-do! I sure do love him. Not to mention the weight gain on me! Whoo-hoo! LOL.

However, I hope to post a new "After the After" shot. That will be me losing the weight I gained during college. Yes, the great freshman 15 -- that turned into the freshman 50 the sophomore 20, the junior 10 and so forth and so on. 

I am totally embarrassed to say how much I weigh right now. Maybe as I lose weight and get to my goal of 150 lb. I will reveal the total amount lost or the total I am now. But, I just can't. I don't think I can face it being publicly stated -- just yet. I know I will when I can accomplish the loss.  Pray for me. Pray that I can quit the Dr. Pepper, fried foods, and overall laziness. Pray. 

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