Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I have officially announced my "retirement," if you will, from the current workplace. 

I love my job here as an assistant editor. But my drive back and forth, as well as the unstable work hours, well, basically drove me crazy. So, Honey-do and I decided it was time to consider leaving the workplace and start working from home. 

I will be freelance writing for the same magazine I am at now, as well as branching out to a few new magazines around this area. I am looking forward to some downtime though!! 

My hopes, prayers and goal is to get my stress levels in check and begin a great daily diet and exercise routine! We will see how that goes! :)

1 comment:

AmyC said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I think this is going to be great for you. I would love to be a freelance writer, but I can't seem to figure out how to get started. So, I do my art. I love that too. Again, Tosha, I am very excited for you. Tell Perry I said Hi and keep me posted. Thanks for your great comments on my blog. It is an exciting time for our country.