While reading her post, I began asking myself, what do people see when they Google me? So, I tried it! Wow, the things I found. I was proud to find some of my articles that have been published in the Angus Journal. I also found some news releases about winning scholarships at Oklahoma State University. But, then I found that I am not the only Tosha Powell in the world! And that is always interesting.
Just for fun I looked up names of all my family members. I saw that my mother-in-law shares the name of a professional interior designer. Honey-do shares a name of a company with the same name. My father-in-law has a common name with MANY people! My father shares a name with a politician, and my mother shares her name with a children's book author.
Finding these names on the Internet made me think of two very important things.
1. It is VERY important to consider the names you give your children. It might not be a bad idea to Google a name you might potentially give your next baby. Just to make sure they don't share the name with something or someone that will cause them grief later in life.
2 However, the most reassuring thing I found, my friends, is that my Facebook and MySpace profiles were not available for public viewing.
Just as my fellow blogger states in her blog, please, if you want to be sure you are creating a positive image for future employers, set your privacy on your networking sites. Or, if you have nothing to hide, leave them searchable.
But always remember, Big Brother is watching you!
Thanks so much for your wonderful comment! I really enjoy blogging - I feel like I have an audience and I like being the center of attention! lol.
You make an excellent point about baby names!! I never thought about it like that before ...
Take care and keep on typing!
Someone definitely has Baby Fever!!!
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