Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why do women have to work too?

So, normally I am one of those women who really enjoy working and I am really glad the women's rights movement is over and we have equal opportunities as men. But, today, I am really wishing that those garsh darn women would have just let well-enough alone and accepted that women have enough to do at home. 

If you couldn't tell, I am letting myself get easily stressed and overworked this week. I thought I had everything under control. I thought my job was smooth sailing. I thought my affairs were in order. NOPE. Excuse my analogy when I say "Shit has hit the fan."

Two weeks ago: I was stressing out to get things ready for my work trip to Des Moines, Iowa, for the National Junior Angus Show. One other co-worker and myself were the only two attending from my office and were (still are) the only two providing coverage (photos and stories) of the event. Needless to say, I was in a panic. So I pre-wrote a few sections of a few stories, knowing that I would have only three weeks to write 10-15 stories when I got home. 

Last week in Des Moines: I had a great time! I met a lot of new people and was able to put faces with names I either hear or read about monthly. However, I learned that I do not have as much patience with a co-worker as I thought I did. That person ended up driving me nuts that week. 

This week back home: I was so happy to finally be home. I missed Honey-do so much. I was glad to get back to the normal working world and was actually excited to get after my 10 stories due in three weeks. I get a job offer from a great advertising agency in Kansas City, but turn it down because I don't really think I will be happy there. It is a job that would stifle my creativity, but it would pay great. But I really don't know that I would like the job itself. 

The awful day today: I lost an entire story due to my own stupidity. I accidentally saved a not so written version of a story over a well-written, in fact, almost completed version of a story. NOT FUN.  (Today, I am wondering what the crap I was thinking in turning down the job offer.)

But in all. I am glad to be home. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who tries to help keep me sane. I am thankful for my friends: Mandy, Mandy and Kelli for being my confidantes and shoulder to lean on. I am sore (from working out with Kelli.... but that is a WHOLE other conversation!!) 

 I hope to have pictures from last week up at TPphotography soon!

1 comment:

Little Mama said...

Helloooo! Welcome to the real world of working women.