Monday, April 27, 2009

Before and After

Here's a before shot of me.... this is from when I was in High school..... I miss this body:
But, here is me now... this picture is from two weekends ago at my cousin Ashley's wedding.

I'm the one on the far right. 

Now, I realize that I am not as active as I was while in high school, so I probably won't ever be that skinny again... but, a girl can hope and dream... right??

I'm off to the gym!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lazy Sunday

I'm working on Ashley's wedding pictures today, while honey-do went to the office to work for a couple of hours. :( B-O-R-I-N-G
I hate when he leaves me alone AGAIN on the weekends. I tolerate it during the week because it is his job, and I appreciate being able to stay home to focus on what I love most: photography. But weekends are supposed to be time for us to spend together... not time for him to go to work again and "catch up." 

Oh well.. I found some wonderful photoshop actions at Check it out:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Haney/Martin Wedding

This weekend my cousin Ashley got married! I was her wedding photographer!!! I had a blast! Here's a sneak peak!! More photos are posted on my photo blog: Go check them out!! 

Monday, April 6, 2009

Busy, busy weekend

Honey-do and I traveled to Oklahoma this weekend to spend time with friends. That was much needed!!! We each went to a bachelor and bachelorette party in OKC!!! My cousin, Ashley, is getting married in two weeks. I went to her party with a great group of girls I went to high school with!!!! FUN!!! Honey-do went with the groom, Jeffrey, and all the guys that we graduated with to the bachelor party!! I am so glad that my friends took him in as one of their own! I think they had a great time too! 

But, before we partied, we were spent the morning with cousins, Tim and Tracy, and their little ones. It's Easter time and new suits just had to be showed-off!! I took family photos for them and will have the fun shots up on my photo blog later this week: But, here is a sneak-peak, just for you!