Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to sell a house while the housing market is terrible...

You don't even try. Or maybe you do. 

Honey-do and I have been contemplating what we need to do to make ourselves ready to move back to Oklahoma. We aren't in a real, big hurry to get back.... but then again we are. We are ready to start a family. However, we aren't really wanting to start one while we are up here. We are too close to our families to have a baby while living 300+ miles away from them. It's not fair to them or to us. We want our parents close enough to drop by to see the baby or to pick them up for the afternoon, just to spoil them. That's how we grew up and it's how we want our children to grow up, too.

So, with that being said.... we have to start thinking about how to make ourselves mentally, and financially, ready to move back to Oklahoma. The biggest thing weighing us down is owning our house here. 

The housing market it terrible and there are four other houses for sale in our neighborhood alone, not to mention the numerous For Sale signs we see as we drive up and down the main streets in this town. 

So our newest question is where do we start? Any advice????

Looking back...

I enjoy looking back at past posts I have written to see if any predictions I made have come true, or if any promises I have made myself have come true.... I often find myself disappointed. 

I did not do a Spring Cleaning on my house! ;) I started to, really... but it became more of a tidy up, instead of a real cleaning like I need to do.

As for my weight issue.... I have hired a personal trainer!!! I go to the YMCA pretty much daily. He doesn't work out with me EVERY time I am there, but he does hold me accountable for my daily routines. I am lifting some weights and working out on the elliptical machines daily. HOPEFULLY, I will continue this promise to you, my readers, and most importantly, myself. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Cleaning

As if this week didn't start out bad enough, Honey-do's dad's cousin Char's husband died last night. (That was a mouth-full, sorry.) Most families wouldn't feel the hurt of a "distant" relation such as Marv. But, our family is super tight-knit. I love that. So, we are feeling a little droopy in the drawers for Cousin Char and her family. 

Such a sad week. We are traveling back to Oklahoma this week for my friend's dad's funeral. But the end of the week will be happy for us too. We will be going to Honey-do's grandparents' farm to see his cousin and his wife, who we found out are expecting their first baby!!! So exciting. Callie is already 17 weeks along, so she is starting to show a little. We are very excited to see them this weekend. They moved to Dalhart, Texas, and we haven't seen them since Thanksgiving! 

So, what am I doing today? Cleaning my house. :( boo
I figured it is time for a little bit of "Spring Cleaning." We'll see how far I get today, before Honey-do gets home and we leave for the funeral tomorrow. 

Wish me luck!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bad, bad Monday

They always say Monday is the worst day of the week. This week that statement holds true to me. 

Matt, my best friend from high school, had bad news when he got up this morning. His dad suffered a massive heart attack and died on the way to work this morning. 

News traveled fast. Our mutual friend, Telia, called me to let me know and I called Jeff, another good friend, right after. Apparently, Matt isn't doing too well. But of course, would you expect him to be doing good? I would be a basket case if I found out my dad died. I feel awful that I can't be there for Matt, but he knows that I am here. 

Second bad Monday affect: my mom's favorite boss ever died this weekend. She was really good friends with his daughter, and I used to be close to his granddaughter. 

Third bad Monday thing: I found out a friend from college, Kayla's mom, Lana, suffered a stroke a couple weeks ago. She's still being fed through an IV and is still not walking. The doctors don't know what caused the stroke and are still doing tests to find out the cause. Kayla has put college on hold to stay home and take care of her. 

Fourth thing: Honey-do came home from work worried about his job. His company is performing its first round of layoffs this week. :( Not the engineers yet, but the marketing, PR, HR, and call center positions. He said that if they don't pick up new products soon, the engineers could be next. :( That is scary for us. 

Hopefully, things will get better. All this and it's only 1 p.m. Surely, nothing else bad can happen today.