Friday, January 23, 2009


I'm having the most horrible day. It's one of those days where everything I do or say seems to make the people surrounding me upset, and that makes me upset. It's one of those days that makes me wish to be back in Oklahoma so very badly. 

I want to be able to see my mom, or my nana. I wish I could be closer to them. I hate that if I want to see them I have to drive 6+ hours just to get there. I could really use a hug from my Papa... even if he doesn't know why... he always makes me feel better with a hug from him. 

I love that Honey-do is happy here. I love that his job makes me happy. I love our house. I love being with him. But, I miss my family. I miss his family. 

Honey-do's mother has been sick for a week or so and I wish I could make her some soup. Or go over and make his father dinner so she doesn't have to worry about it. Not to mention, I know how badly she is missing her son right now and wants to be able to see him, too. 

Maybe I'm just being a big baby. I guess I am. But is it wrong to be so homesick? 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thank You, Mr. President

Now, I am not a very political person. At all. But I can sincerely say that I was moved by President Obama's inaugural address. He such an eloquent public speaker. I was very proud to be an American today. On this day we have experienced a bit of American history that can never be taken away from us. A black man has stepped into the highest elected position: Barack Obama is the leader of the Free World. 

If you aren't the least bit proud by this day, you aren't a true American.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I've always been a decent writer. I mean, I was in magazine publication. I am still, sorta. But, writing has never been something I have ever been really fond of. Especially forced writing. (Yes, forced writing is what I mean. Forced writing: when you HAVE to do it.)

Remember back to your high school English class where your teacher told you that you were to write a 1,500 word essay on Shakespeare. That is where my loathe — scratch that... loathe is too strong a word — STRONG HATRED of forced writing began. 

I went to college for communications. Not necessarily writing. However, our senior capstone class was producing a magazine. Each student researched a wrote a story for the magazine. Then followed it through production laying out the text and graphics. That was the fun part for me. Arranging the words on the page, but not necessarily writing them. 

Now, don't get me wrong. I like writing ... sometimes. I enjoy it when it is my idea. I did well with my Cowboy Journal story for college because it was my story idea and about something I cared about. 

But, I learned while working for the large cattle breed magazine I was an assistant editor, that you can't always choose the stories you want. And that made me realize that I wasn't in the right job for me. 

So, now. I am working from home. (Still writing for the magazine.) But, I am trying to spread my wings and figure out what it is that I really want to be when I grow up, so to speak. 

As of now, I am really leaning towards photography. I sincerely hope this dream of mine works out. I am photographing a couple weddings this year and am looking forward to getting a whole slew (is that the correct spelling?) of clients. 

So keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Because, as you can see ... I have a lot of issues to work out these days.

On a lighter note ... Honey-do and I joined a gym!!! The real diet and exercise program begins now!!!