Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Become a soldier's pen pal

Here's an awesome opportunity to help the soldiers in Iraq!

One of my friends received this e-mail from a corporal whose squad will be leaving for Iraq at the end of November. He's asking for pen pals for people in his squad. The soldiers would love to receive letters, care packages, etc. This would be a great chance to keep their spirits up — especially with the holidays just around the corner. 

Contact Cpl. Roger "Roddy" Keene at and he'll send you the mailing address of somebody in his squad. There's no additional cost for postage — all APO addresses are priced the same as domestic mail, so you can just slap on a stamp and send it out. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I have officially announced my "retirement," if you will, from the current workplace. 

I love my job here as an assistant editor. But my drive back and forth, as well as the unstable work hours, well, basically drove me crazy. So, Honey-do and I decided it was time to consider leaving the workplace and start working from home. 

I will be freelance writing for the same magazine I am at now, as well as branching out to a few new magazines around this area. I am looking forward to some downtime though!! 

My hopes, prayers and goal is to get my stress levels in check and begin a great daily diet and exercise routine! We will see how that goes! :)

I sure hope you have voted!!

Voting is a privilege and your natural born right. I sure hope and pray you have voted... I did! :) 

But, I can't tell you who I voted for. Let's just say it was a hard decision, not an easy one. But I did it for the first time on my own accord. 

I took the time to review my sample ballot and research each candidate (not only the presidential nominees, but also Senate and House Reps)  and their plans for office. I made a decision to vote for the man I think will do the best job to his ability. 

And I am now praying for our nation at this time of new leadership.