Thursday, May 22, 2008

Answer the following with only one word.

1. Where is your cell phone? .................... purse

2. Your significant other?....................... Garmin
3. Your hair?.................................... blah
4. Your mother? ................................. Beautiful
5. Your father?.................................. Hero
6. Your favorite thing?.......................... family
7. Your dream last night?........................ none
8. Your favorite drink........................... Dr. Pepper
9. Your dream/goal?.............................. children
10. The room you're in?.......................... office
11. Your children?..................................... God's mind (I know, two words, shame on me.)
12. Your fear?................................... Santa
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years........... Oklahoma
14. Where were you last night?................... Olathe
15. What you're not?............................. brave
16. Muffins...................................... banana
17. One of your wish list items?................. studio
18. Where you grew up?........................... Amber
19. What you read last........................ Narnia
20. What are you wearing?........................ brown
21. Your TV?..................................... off
22. Your pets?................................... home
23. Your computer? .............................. Mac!
24. Your life?................................... Great!
25. Your mood?................................... sleepy
26. Missing someone?............................. yes
27. Your car?.................................... ford
28. Something you're not wearing?................ necklace
29. Favorite Store?.............................. target
30. Your summer?................................. hot
31. Like someone?................................ love
32. Your favorite color?......................... pink
33. Last time you laughed........................ today
34. Last time you cried?......................... yesterday

I'm Late.... what's new?

My dear cousin, Amy, tagged be to list seven random facts about myself. Well, here it goes...

1. I love to tan. Now, I'm a bigger girl, but I love to go to the tanning salon. It totally relaxes me.
2. I want to own my own photography studio. I really am working towards that goal, visit my photography site: TP Photography.
3. I am obsessed with American Idol. I am sooooooo very happy that David Cook won last night! Just love him. But I have aspirations of become a great singer one day.
4. I hate celebrity gossip, but have in my bookmarked pages. I love to read about all the troubles celebrities get themselves into, and then I thank God for all the wonderful normal things that happen in my life. 
5. I can't wait to go to New York one day. I am DYING... seriously, everyday it gets harder to breathe, let alone get out of bed ... to see a Broadway production. 
6. I love lightning but am terrified of storms. I grew up in Tornado Alley, Oklahoma. What do you expect?
7. I am a BIG momma's girl. I miss my mom so much sometimes. I can get really baby-ish if I go too long without seeing  my family. 

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A photography site!

Hello friends! I have just created a photography site! :) I'm very excited by this and hope to get some great photos up soon for your viewing pleasure! Take a sneak-peak at the beginnings of TP Photography.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Writer's block...

I have had a case of writer's block for two weeks now. Which to some may not seem like that big of a deal, however, when you are an editor for a major livestock publication, with story deadlines quickly approaching... that's a bad, bad thing. My mind has lost all flows of creative juices to subjects I NEED to be writing about. Instead, I create limericks and short essays in my head about finding a new job, my teeth falling out, how to lose weight, when should we start to plan for a family, etc. 

Ahhh, babies. I have that on my mind a lot lately. My best friend and roommate from college, Mandy, is only three days away from having her baby! (I can officially say three days, because, if she hasn't gone into labor by Monday they will induce labor that morning!) And since little Hunter is about to be born, Honey-do and I have been talking baby for a while now! How exciting, right?!? 

Wrong. I am terrified! Mostly because I am the one that has to have said baby. I am the one who has a human being growing inside me for 9 months. I am the one who is responsible for having a healthy, bundle of joy. I don't think that will be possible if I am not healthy in the first place, right? 

So now my dieting and exercising is jumping into full speed mode. My goal is to lose a significant amount of weight before I get pregnant. Which, if I do my calculations correctly, stick to my plan, and as long as my body cooperates, it could be August/September!!!! WOW, right?

See how I get sidetracked very easily when I should be writing about Dust Control and Environmental Protection in Feedlots. I just can't get motivated. And that really stinks, because I am the type of writer who likes to have a solid intro/lead before I can write the rest of the story/feature. I want to make sure it starts out great before I bore you with all the details. :) 

If anyone has any suggestions on how to start talking about dust control, please let me know.... My job depends on it!