Thursday, April 10, 2008

What I'm listening to

I am in love with Heidi Newfield's (ex-lead singer to country trio Trick Pony) newest song: Johnny and June. See her myspace page here.

I also enjoy Fall Out Boy's version to an old Michael Jackson classic: Beat it. You can watch the music video on YouTube here.

And then, my fave. King George's newest song: I saw God today. View video here. It speaks to me. So I am at work and tried to upload a great pic of my dear, sweet Georgie Porgie... but my work computer won't let me. So click here to see God's wonderful creation of a man.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's not a Wordless Wednesday...

I was going to just post a great picture I took of my cousin a few years ago and call it a wordless wednesday. But then something happened. Now I must speak. 

I went into the bathroom at work and Julie was already in there moisturizing herself in front of the mirror. Not weird yet I guess. But then... she started talking to me. I was in the stall going pee and she started talking to me. Asking me how things were going in editorial today... telling me that she was bored and reading a book today... informing me that she would much rather be at home gardening than sitting at her desk at work reading a book. 

To some this may not be weird... BUT I FREAKED OUT. Don't talk to me while I am peeing. That is supposed to me my own special time to myself. I've never been the type of girl to get up from a group thing and tell the girls "I need to go to the little girls room" so that they will all follow. That's just not me. I can pee alone, garsh darn it. 

But then I sit back and think about it. While in college, me and the Mandy's were pretty much glued to each other's hips at times. We always went to the bathroom at the same time. Our biological clocks were TOTALLY in sync. So why did Julie's talking to me freak me out? 

mmmmm????? Weird. 

Monday, April 7, 2008

Just another manic Monday...

Boy howdy... I'm tired. Going back to Oklahoma for the weekend really wears me out. (And I'm not that old.) It's about a 6 1/2 hour drive from my house to my mom and dad's. And that drive is long. I don't know how anyone could live farther from their parents' without becoming frequent flyers. I told Honey-do he should get a pilots license and small plane to take us back and forth on our quick trips to our parents' houses.

I had a great weekend at the parents'. It was really a fun time. It began with a fun baby shower for my college roommate! I can't believe that in less than a month our little Hunter will be here.
This is Mandy, my best friend, and Nikki, her future sister-in-law and shower hostess.

This is the best picture of Mandy! Really shows her true colors! Doesn't she look awesome for an eight month along pregnant girl! :)

After the shower I got to visit my grandparents and go to dinner with them... always a fun time.

Then, Sunday. A beautiful morning! Remember now, I work for a livestock publication. So, I thought I would get up that beautiful Sunday morning and go take pictures of the cattle and try to get some really good shots for the magazine. However, I didn't realize that my talents would be need elsewhere. I was roped into helping doctor the babies. They (dad and Matt) lost two baby calves to scours. So we needed to give the remaining babies preventative medication. —That's right PETA people, we animal agriculturalists love our animals and take care of them when they are sick. (Whoa, sorry. I can easily turn that into another post too!)

This is brother. Isn't he adorable?

This is brother wrestlin' a heifer calf.

This is brother all cocky! But isn't he a cutie! Watch out girls! :)

Then, I had the most wonderful brisket lunch at my other grandparents! My grandma makes her own barbecue recipe — once I try it I will post the recipe and photos — and has FINALLY shared it with me! :) I think that she is finally coming to terms that I am an adult now. And she told me how proud she was of me and my husband. I got a little teary-eyed. It's not everyday that woman says something like that to me. In fact for years I thought she despised me. (That could be another story too! I think I could write a novel about my screwy family!)

But overall, this weekend was a great one. I miss my family but am glad to be back home to KS. And all weekend there were no talks of my weight, no worries about work (another day folks, another day), and most of all no stress. I was able to relax. It was nice.

But now. It's Monday.